We coach emerging professionals and graduate students/post docs to give them a competitive advantage in launching and accelerating their careers. They emerge confident and purpose-driven with the communication, networking and leadership skills that recruiters and managers expect. Their parents also view this type of coaching as a unique and invaluable gift that accrues a lifetime of benefits.
Which challenge are you facing?
“How will I ever stand out among all the other students graduating? I am nervous about interviewing well. Presenting and networking cause some anxiety. I’m not sure what to expect on the job but I know it will be different than grad school. I don’t feel prepared for launching my career.“
“I am worried my child won’t excel on the job, or have a competitive advantage to land a good position. She is intelligent but awkward with people and communicating. Even with a job offer, how well will she do the first year in her career?”
“I need some leader skills and fast! My employees are frustrated with me and so am I. Results are lagging. I was a top performer in my previous role – can I make the shift to management?”
“I just got passed over for a promotion. Even though I deliver amazing results, people don’t want to work with me because of my style. Can I change that?”