Category Archives: AUTHENTICITY
The Good, the Bad and the Grey Area

Written on December 15, 2017 at 8:51 am, by Loriana
In the last year, I have noticed an increased polarization in thinking. Employees are often judging others as either all good or all bad vs. an ability to see shades of grey. This is concerning because it suggests that people are viewed as either extremely flawed or flawless, neither of which is usually anywhere near […]
Sharing Our Gratitude

Written on November 22, 2017 at 11:21 am, by Loriana
As Thanksgiving approaches, a flood of people come to mind whose actions or words have positively affected me. While Thanksgiving is often focused on the important 3F’s of the holiday, food, family and football (to quote a family member), it is also a wonderful opportunity to reflect on what we are thankful for. While I […]
Speed of Confession

Written on November 1, 2017 at 2:20 pm, by Loriana
How quickly do you confess when you mess up? During lunch today with a leader I highly respect, I realized that speed is an important component to admitting mistakes. The conversation centered around, “How do you share a mistake in a way that will save face?” My suggestion was to reframe that question into, “How […]