As Thanksgiving approaches, a flood of people come to mind whose actions or words have positively affected me.

While Thanksgiving is often focused on the important 3F’s of the holiday, food, family and football (to quote a family member), it is also a wonderful opportunity to reflect on what we are thankful for. While I am certainly grateful for having a warm home and food and good health, my mind quickly shifts to people who have positively impacted my life and those I care about. The question, I realized is, “Do they know how I feel?”

A grateful heart changes us. Grateful words can change others.

Your challenge: Tell three people who may not realize their impact on you of your gratitude for them (and be specific).

Take this action immediately or you might forget (at least identify the individuals)! While I typically issue a challenge in my blogs, this is one I also am doing today. I plan to either call or write a personal note sharing my appreciation. Your action will certainly bless them, and it might be just the encouraging words they need to hear.

I am personally grateful to the many who have encouraged, supported, guided and assisted me in my journey. Above all, my husband Patrick has truly been a treasure and our marriage a gift from heaven that I never imagined was possible. I am most grateful for God giving His Son for us so that we might have eternal life with Him. I look with anticipation to the coming Christmas season as we celebrate this most precious and sacrificial gift.

I wish you and your family a most wonderful Thanksgiving!

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    Loriana Sekarski is founder and president of BONSAI, a consulting company that transforms leaders (and businesses) into the best version of themselves. As a leadership coach, Loriana teaches leaders how to hone soft skills, spur workplace engagement, and achieve untapped levels of potential. Outside of BONSAI, Loriana serves as an adjunct professor at Washington University’s graduate student program. Additionally, she's fine-tuning her passion project, TakeFlight, a division of BONSAI that launches organizations, churches, and marriages to boldly live out their purpose by leveraging their strengths to achieve their God-given destiny. TakeFlight has just developed Revealing Hidden Shackles, an innovative curriculum that examines domestic violence within the Christian community.