About: loriana

Recent Posts by loriana

Two-Way Street Thinking

Similar to the idea of a fixed versus growth mindset, our interactions can be one-way or two-way street interactions, with a focus mostly on ourselves or a focus on both sides of the interaction. What is your natural inclination? How often do we focus on these types of one-way thoughts: Getting our needs met at […]

5 Tips to Achieve Balance in Networking

Thankful for guest writer Dr. Hallie Thompson, Plant Biologist and Science Policy Consultant. Balance in networking When we think about and practice networking, most of us focus on the initiation of new relationships, but there’s more to it than that. Like so many things, it’s about balance. In this case, it’s a balance of initiating […]

Don’t Just Endure It, Embrace It

We moved three hours north to Iowa (from Missouri). While three hours doesn’t seem like far, it’s quite a dramatic change in terms of weather! But the biggest difference isn’t the weather itself, which everyone warned us about, but rather how people react to it. In Missouri, at least where I was, the cold snowy […]

Overcoming Weakness by Focusing on What Comes Naturally

One of many things clients love about using Gallup strengths is its positive focus on the value we do bring and enhancing what is good with us. We don’t ignore the weaknesses, which often are our lowest (sometimes called inferior) talent themes, but instead use our strengths to overcome them. Developing strategies for doing so […]

Projecting More Energy During Video Calls

Video calls can be draining. The experts even coined the phrase “Zoom fatigue” to describe it, and there are plenty of people who’ve bought into the idea that video calls are an awful experience. But that doesn’t have to be the case at all! We know that energy levels matter. When a leader projects positive […]

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